This is the Solidworks model of
the slides and frame.

I made a mock up out of MDF to see if the
envelope was going to be satisfactory. I ran the machine with a router
to make a couple parts.

This is the concrete column for
the Z axis slide. It took two 80Lb bags of concrete. The base is
engineered stone counter top material. This turned out a bit light, so
will be reinforced. I intended to use an 18x24x3 surface plate, but it
was just a little too small.

Here, the machine is building
itself. under the bag is the Zaxis slide and the router is facing and
drilling the mounting points for the Z axis.

The Z axis is mounted. The slides
are Aerotech units. 12"x12"x6" travels. The ballscrews are metric.

This is the power supply and
servo drive. There is 800W at 48V driving 3 and soon 4 Gecko 320
drives. One slot for the power supply was omitted so the drive could be

The drive electronics are mounted
on an oversize heatsink The 3 prong socket plugs into the power rack
which was rewired to give the drive 48V instead of the 110VAC that
would normally be at that plug. In this picture it is not yet complete.

The machine as it stands on
10/4/06. The table is aluminum with t-slots. The spindle is a Precise
Super 45. I intend to make a mount for a Sherline or import minimill
spindle for heavier cutting. The power/drive rack and PC will be
mounted in the base of the machine. It needs a few more things. like Z
axis limit switches, way covers, reinforcement of the base plate, and
general tidying up of wiring.